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Lunch Break BJ

January 9, 20070 minutes Howdy ya'll!! I figured it was my time for me to hit the streets to find a new victim...uh i mean friend to bring back to my place and what i do best...well one of the things i do best anyway. And as per usual it didnt take me very long to find a cute boy who was more than willing to come with me and my cameraman back to my lair so i give him one delicious Blow Job. I was happy i bumped into Johnny cause he was actually cute so theres a pretty good chance youll be seeing him again. NOt that you guys care about cuteboys (or maybe some of you do, and theres NOTHING wrong with that) but a girl has to look out for herself sometimes to you kow. I also feel guilty cause it turned out he got fired seeing as he went with me on his lunch break and of course didnt make it back to work on time. However i did talk to him the next day and he didnt regret it at all, he said and i quote (losing my job was well worth that sweet dick sucking) which i thought was funny. He also had any nice things to say about my naked body which i never get tired of dont stop telling me in those emails boys (and some girls) i love all ya'll hehe..

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